科目名 オーラル英語 後期
担当教員 上田エカテリーナ
単位数 必選区分 授業形態 開講時期 関連資格の必選
1 選択 演習 1年次後期
授業概要 This course will help you to improve your spoken English in a variety of everyday situations. It will help you develop your speaking skills in different areas.
到達目標 A course on how to communicate effectively in English.
授業計画  1)Meeting and greeting people.
   Language for the classroom.
 2)At the restaurant.
   Would you like some...?
 3)Checking into a hotel.
   Do you have a reservation?
 4)Shopping for clothes.
   Can I try this on ?
 5)Coming through customs and immigration.
   Passport please.
 6)At the doctor's.
    - What seems to be the problem?
 7)Life's ups and downs (Past).
 8)Planning my future (going to/ will).
 9)Been there! Done that! (Present Perfect)
10)Girls and boys (have to/ must).
11)Just wondering... (if + will / if + would)
12)Making requests.
    - Is it ok if.../ Excuse me, would you mind...?
13)Making an apology. Saying "Thank you".
14)Checking for understanding.
    - What do you mean?
成績評価 Students attending this course will be evaluated according to their class participation, attendance and test results.
Each week students will be provided with copies of all materials to be covered.